West Bank Bus Service Update

Following reports to me from West Bank Residents that a sign had been placed in the bus window, stating that the West Bank Bus Service would start terminating at the Catalyst, I immediately began investigating. Our bus service is something that I have fought to keep for years, I know it is a lifeline to the residents that use it. I could not accept it just stopping at the Catalyst, leaving people who may suffer with mobility problems having to walk much further than usual, particularly in these colder months. 

I made my feelings known in the strongest possible terms and I am pleased to confirm that today I have been informed that the bus will continue running as usual on its usual route. 

However, the bus does need to be able to get through the entirety of Mersey Road and I ask that all residents and businesses are mindful of the bus needing to get through. Please park in a manner that allows the bus to get past. This is also important for our emergency services, as if a small bus cannot get past sometimes, a fire engine could not. 

I ask that the community work with me on this to ensure that we keep our bus service – it is so important to all the people in our community that use it. We all need to make sure that the bus does not have its route blocked.

Best wishes,


Cllr Pamela Wallace – Central & West Bank Ward